Flash mob. Not circus dogs, but pretty cool! I’m Bummed I missed it
I love our students. Here’s another reason why:
N.C. State University students marked the start of finals week early this morning with a flash mob that drew as many as 3,500 people onto Hillsborough Street, Raleigh police said.
Students began gathering for the rave at the Brickyard on campus but began moving toward Hillsborough Street when campus police told them they couldn’t gather there, police said.
Raleigh police were called shortly after 12:30 a.m. About 35 officers watched the students as they walked toward the Capitol, closing off intersections as the crowd moved forward.
At St. Mary’s Street, Lt. Doug Brugger told the students they couldn’t go any further. He told them video of the crowd had been posted on YouTube and it was time to go home.
The crowd dispersed peacefully, police said. No injuries or property damage were reported. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2DVZzt_pts
Passion Rules!
1 of Many
I think this event was very exciting and I enjoyed being out there and seeing NCSU students come together to take a break from exam studying.
The Office of Student Conduct is charging xxxxxxxxxx, with the following:
Alleged Violations
1. Acting in a manner on University premises or at University-sponsored activities that unreasonably
disturbs the peace and tranquility of the University, including, but not limited to, throwing objects from
balconies and window and disruptive noise making.
2. Violation of any written policies, regulations, or rules of the University, adopted pursuant to the
“Procedure for Adoption and Publication of North Carolina State University Polices and Regulations”,
constitutes misconduct
I am very disappointed in how this was treated, if the office of student conduct knew about the event and planned to prosecute her for it they should have told her to cancel it at the beginning. In my opinion, her intentions were good and as she stated beforehand the goal was to give students a 5 minute break from exam studying. When campus police said the music couldn’t play it turned into a flash mob. I do not think Lindsey is deserving the blame for last night. Especially something harmless and something that I think connects students to the University even more. Isn’t connecting students to the University while they are here and after they graduate our biggest problem?
NOTE: Because a student was involved, the names have been redacted to protect the innocent.
Chandler: I’m posting this, but we need to verify whether or not its true. Can you help.
It was reported in the news that the organizer is being charged with something, but I hope she isn’t being charged for things outside of her control (e.g., idiots throwing things from balconies). I trust that someone will assess this reasonably, in the clear light of day and with the perspective of time passed.
For a “mob,” the YouTube videos show a pretty well-behaved bunch that, if they had been allowed to have music on the Brickyard, may never have moved down the street and attracted so much extra attention.
As for me, I saw my son on the TV report (channel 11) doing his “glowsticking” — which I think was pretty cool.
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