For profits on Frontline — a must watch for marketers in higher education
Anybody who follows HiceSchool knows I like to preach about the impact for-profit universities will have on our business. Well, I’m doing it again.
Last night Frontline on PBS featured “College Inc.” The program was all about the growth of for-profit universities. Unfortunately, it was not a balanced report. IMHO, the reporter went in with an agenda and it was evident throughout; For-profit universities aren’t real universities and they are taking advantage of the huddled masses yearning to breath free. He also seemed to pooh pooh the need to spend money marketing higher education. God help us.
The for-profit institutions are filling a need that is unmet by today’s state and private universities. All told, they have millions of students and they spend hundreds of millions of dollars promoting the importance of higher education in today’s economy. I don’t understand what’s wrong with that.
There are issues, to be sure, but it’s a young industry and it will change the face of higher education in our lifetimes. It will get better. The bad will disappear and the good will prosper. Take that PBS.
If you didn’t have a chance to see the show, check it out below. It’s worth a watch, but remember, don’t believe everything you see on TV. Don’t believe everything you read at either.
Passion Rules!
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[…] education to students in the same way that many traditional institutions strive to do. In his blog, North Carolina State University’s Chief Communications Office Joe Hice stated today […]
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