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Key Messages in development!

Everything you can imagine

NC State, the largest university in North Carolina, provides big-school opportunities in a global innovation hot spot while fostering a tight-knit community in one of the nation’s most desirable places.

Aligns with:

  • Producing leaders for the state, nation and world
  • Creating educational innovation

Driving the economy every day

NC State provides results that drive the economy – bringing critical thinking skills and discipline-based knowledge to all sectors of society through education, dynamic discoveries, and solutions to real-world problems.

Aligns with:

  • Fueling economic development

Solutions for your world

NC State touches lives. With North Carolina roots and a global reach, we deliver solutions that anticipate and meet the needs of society.

Aligns with:

  • Improving health and well being
  • Driving innovation in energy and the environment

We all go to NC State!

When the stakes are high and the dreams are big.

And the world we build for our children depends on how we answer some very tough questions.

We all go to NC State!

Passion Rules!

1 of many


1 Chandler { 05.20.10 at 6:37 pm }

“Without even noticing, NC State seeps into your pores. By Junior year, it’s in your blood. You can’t remember a time when you didn’t have moments on campus where you lose your breath for a second and all you can think is, ‘Wow, I love this place.’ …

We all go to NC State

2 Rob S { 05.26.10 at 1:18 pm }

I’ve always loved the We All Go to NC State message. In the future I’d like to see it move towards “NC State In Me!” The graphics would be simple and fun, the concept would be comparable to We All Go… and it gives us more ownership with NC State as alums, staff, faculty, students, community, residents of NC,. etc. The other ideas just don’t say NC State to me… Just my opinion!

3 Sophie { 06.15.10 at 7:09 am }

“Without even noticing, NC State seeps into your pores. By Junior year, it’s in your blood. You can’t remember a time when you didn’t have moments on campus where you lose your breath for a second and all you can think is, ‘Wow, I love this place.’ …

We all go to NC State

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