“Master of Disruption” talks higher education
Clay Christensen was in town a few weeks back for the Emerging Issues Forum. During his presentation he talked about how “disrputive innovation” would change the face of the health care industry. Christensen has turned his thinking to higher education and in this post from InsideHigherEd.com, he talks about how disruptive innovation will change higher education. A fascinating read. http://bit.ly/hHiTIt
WASHINGTON — It’s one thing for Clayton M. Christensen to share with a bunch of Washington think tankers his warnings that colleges must change or die, as he did at the American Enterprise Institute last month. But directly to the faces of college presidents themselves, at the annual gathering of their main national association? Yet there was the Harvard Business School professor known for documenting how industries get transformed by “disruptive technologies” on Monday, telling hundreds of college chiefs at the annual meeting of the American Council on Education that he was not at all sure in 20 years if their institutions would still be around.
Some of Christensen’s ideas (drawn from a paper he co-wrote with Henry Eyring of Brigham Young University-Idaho called “The Innovative University: Changing the DNA of Higher Education”) and comments may have stung, notably his prediction that distance education, done well, can subject existing higher education to disruption that could render many existing institutions irrelevant in two decades. “There is good reason for many of us to think that we might be okay in 20 years. But I think we might be wrong,” he said.
But with a good-natured, deadpan delivery and a powerful personal story — having re-learned how to speak after suffering a stroke in July — Christensen captivated an audience that could well have found his comments disturbing instead.
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