Students from NC State win national Media honors
By Bradley Wilson
N.C. State’s yearbook, literary magazine, daily newspaper and radio
station were all honored at the national convention of the College Media
Advisers, Associated Collegiate Press and College Broadcasters in
Louisville, Oct. 31. The yearbook and literary magazine came home with
top national honors. The literary magazine was also named the Best of
Show in its category. In addition, students at WKNC 88.1 fm received
recognition as Best Radio DJ, Best Regularly Scheduled Program and Best
Student Media Website.
These students work hard every day to keep a 25,000-watt radio station
on the air 24-7, to produce the final draft of history from a student
perspective, to produce a literary work and to keep the campus informed.
I hope you will take some time and share your congratulations with the
Student Media leaders for the positive recognition this brings to all of
Winning a top national award doesn’t happen every year, and it doesn’t
happen to many programs at NCSU.
For the Agromeck yearbook, this is only the fourth time in 108 years.
For the literary magazine, it’s 11 times in 23-some years. (And note
that ALL of the national awards in literary magazines went to North
Carolina schools.)
I’m proud of their accomplishments.
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