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Web & Digital Communications Update

As we all know, the Web is one of the most important, most powerful communications tools available to the university.  As such, a great deal of thought and planning needs to go into how we approach Web & Digital Communications.  The subcommittee is taking such an approach.  Check out the actual PowerPoint presentation on the State COMM NING site: http://ncsucommunicators.ning.com/

Web & Digital Communications Subcommittee Update


Provide leadership for the university regarding standards and best practices for the strategic, innovative and appropriate use of the web, digital communications and social media.

•Scope Includes:

–Web (standard and mobile; university, college/division, department, program)

–Email (especially bulk)

–Instant Messaging

–Social Media (Facebook, Flickr, Twitter)

–Digital Signage

•Scope Does Not Include:





•However, some cross-over expected

•We will focus on

–How it looks

–The voice it speaks in

•We won’t focus on

–The services themselves



–Guidelines/Best Practices

–PRR where appropriate


–University domain policy

–Web standards/guidelines

–Web metrics (tools, interpretation)

–Staffing/support guidelines

–Social media account standards (naming, images, voice)

Next Steps

–SWOT Analysis

–Prioritizing of Projects

–Working Groups for Projects

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