2010 is gonna be a great . . . but busy year at North Carolina State University
Hard to believe the year is almost over and that I’ve been here three months. My how time flies . . . when you’re having fun! Definitely true in my case and I hope so with all of you.
Before we all leave for the holidays I’d like to thank everyone who has helped make the past three months (56 days) so fulfilling. There have been challenges for me, but most involve getting accustomed to the Raleigh area, not NC State. The reason for that is the welcome I’ve received from everyone; from all of you. So thank you for that.
I’m excited to begin the new year with our goal of creating a strategic communications plan for the university. Sure, our timetable is aggressive, the work almost impossible, the expectations great…but what more could you ask for.
So thanks to everyone, especially those working on the STATE Comm committees we’ve created. Check out the list below and remember, if you’re not on one of the committees, its not to late. All volunteers are welcome.
STATE COMM Steering Committee
- Joe Hice (University Communications — Chair)
- Kylie Cafiero (Education)
- Jay Dawkins (Student Representative)
- Mark Dearmon (CALS)
- Mike Giancola (Center for Student Leadership, Ethics & Public Service)
- Dave Green (Vetmed)
- Kathy Hart (Alumni)
- Louis Hunt (Enrollment Mgmt.)
- Stephanie Parker (Chancellor’s Office)
- Tim Peeler (Athletics)
- Jo-Ann Robinson (Diversity)
- Dee Shore (CALS)
- Rob Stevenson (HR)
- Jenny Weston (Engineering)
- Kay Zimmerman (DELTA)
Ex-officio members: Keith Nichols, Stephanie Hlavin, Tim Jones & Lauren Gregg
Marketing / Public Relations Committee
Involved with communications that include a marketing component, such as strategic planning, awareness campaigns and advertising. Also charged with helping campus communicators become more effective through improved tools, processes and training programs.
- Jeannie Norris (Alumni – Co-Chair)
- Emily Parker (Textiles – Co-Chair)
- Dr. Paul Cohen (Faculty, Engineering)
- Nate DeGraff (Engineering)
- Tilla Fearn (CNR)
- Lauren Gregg (UC)
- Claudia Kimbrough, (Faculty, College of Management)
- Mick Kulikowski (UC)
- Mitzi Montoya (Faculty, College of Management)
- Gene Pinder (Centennial Campus)
- Melinda Reta (Institute for Emerging Issues)
- Anna Rzewnicki (Management)
- Steve Townsend (PAMS)
Web/Electronic Communications Committee
Concerned with all forms of electronic communications as they involve the university.
–     NC State homepage
–     College and unit home pages
–     Social networking activities
–     New and emerging technology
- Leslie Dare (Director of Student Affairs Technology Services — Chair)
- Jason Austin (OIT)
- Donna Barnes (UC)
- Angela Brockelsby (Design)
- Charles Canteen (College of Management)
- Doug Gillan (Psychology, Faculty member and Dept. Head)
- KeAnne Hoeg (IES)
- Tim Jones (UC)
- Kathi McBlief (Engineering)
- Ellen McDaniel (Engineering)
- Harry Nicholos (OIT, Assistant Dir. Systems & Hosted Services)
- Jim Price (Admissions)
- Chris Richter (Alumni)
- Dr. Alan Schueler (CALS IT)
- Matt Shipman (UC)
Publications Committee
Develop procedures, policies, best practices and strategies for the effective, innovative and appropriate use of publications with an eye toward emerging digital media trends and cost effectiveness.
- Michelle Clark (Libraries — Chair)
- Cherry Crayton (Alumni Association)
- Lisa Currin (Research & Grad School)
- Vicky Earp (UC)
- Denise Gonzales Crisp (Faculty, College of Design)
- Ann Horner (Annual Giving)
- David Hunt (UC)
- Mark McLawhorn (UC)
- Becky Morphis (Alumni Association)
- Mark Ransom (Engineering)
- Mark Tulbert (ARTS NC State)
- Nicole Wood (Enrollment Management)
Internal Communications Committee
Concerned with improving the efficiency and effectiveness of internal communications, campus-wide.
- Natalie Hampton (CALS — Chair)
- John Barnwell (Campus Police)
- David Dean (Sustainability Office)
- D’Lyn Ford (UC)
- Yvette Griffin (HR)
- David Hiscoe (Libraries)
- Emily Jordan (Annual Giving)
- Lauren Kirkpatrick (CHASS)
- Sarah Noelle (OIT)
- Marielle E. Pocan (Vetmed)
- Dave Pond (UC)
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Hi there…I’ve been following your posts with interest, especially those around STATE COMM. we currently have a large group of key communicators from across campus that meet monthly and work on projects and issues together (though that is more informal). Do you have plans yet for how you will communicate out the strategies, guidelines, and expectations to communicators across campus? and then how you will monitor for success (I’m assuming that will be judged by people ‘complying’…a word I don’t like but can’t think of a better one right now)? large state u’s with decentralized communications structures can be wonderful and vexing all at once. lots and lots of great talent, everyone working for the good of the U, but sometimes not on the same page about how to get there.
Tricia: We’ll continue to use the blog and we have a Ning site for communicators. Traditional email and list serves will also be used. I think the key to success at NC State will be everyone’s willingness to work together. We’re developing our strategic communications plan together. We’ll develop logo guidelines together. We’ll create a blueprint for our branding together. As far as “enforcement” is concerned, I believe that will come from the top. We’ll have a new chancellor early next year (2010) and he or she will provide the final direction. So stay tuned. More information to come on the blog.
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