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Climb Mount Everest today at NC State


Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2009

10:30 a.m. EST

View it LIVE via http://www.ustream.tv/channel/champion-web-event


North Carolina State University

College of Textiles

2401 Research Drive

Rm. 2431


1 John Martin { 09.29.09 at 1:45 pm }

Forget my previous comment. I see the context now in your next entry. 🙂 However, FWIW, not having the context at the time caused me to abandon the event.

2 Joe Hice { 09.29.09 at 2:02 pm }

Thanks for your note about the context. Still learning the ropes, so to speak, and it’s helpful to know when I’m confusing people (probably more often than I really care to know but what the heck.)

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