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Looking for suggestions

Wow.  It has been busy, but looking forward to the Wolfpack vs. Wake Forest game tomorrow.  New Chancellor will be taping the coach’s show in the morning, doing an interview on court pre game, then he and his wife Susan will meet Mr. & Mrs. Wuf at center court during the first half to greet the crowd.  Rumor is that the Wufs have a special presentation for Mr. & Mrs. Woodson.

But looking for ideas.  Ideas on how to introduce the new chancellor to the campus community and North Carolina.  Where to go, when to go, who to see, what to say.  And what about a theme.  That sort of thing.

So what about themes; American Living tour, taken. Listening tour,  taken. Learning tour, taken.  Back Home tour, taken.  Get a Grip tour, taken (one of my favorites.)  Connections tour, taken. Bridges to Babylon tour (the Orlando stop was awesome,) taken.  Hum!?  What to do, what to do.

Send your ideas. Please.

Passion Rules!

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1 Jeffrey Johnson { 02.19.10 at 6:41 pm }

I would say the biggest thing that he could do to introduce himself to students is to be very visible on campus. He could make an appearance in the Brickyard and introduce himself to us. He could do something similar in some of the dining halls on campus. I know students would really appreciate him being visible and showing that he cares about us. I know that’s one of the biggest qualms that we had with our previous chancellor. If he would come to the places that students are that would mean a lot to us.

2 Joe Hice { 02.19.10 at 6:45 pm }

Students, check.

3 Sherry { 02.19.10 at 8:01 pm }

Wolfpack nation tour!

4 Lisa Currin Fogarty { 02.20.10 at 5:38 am }

I’m throwing noodles against the wall with this. . .

“Constellation Tour” as in, a visit with all of NC State’s “stars:” Could build a tour around our “star performers:” Our students, outstanding faculty/researchers (like National Academy Members, rockstar lab directors), Friday Institute – the birthplace of stars located in the spiral arms of our very own galaxy, Centennial Campus. The FREEDM Center – our very own Supergiant star working to change the nation’s power supply.

NC State UNIVERSE(ity). NC State’s Big Bang Theory – oh yeah, we’re continuing to expand.

Ok, it’s getting silly. But there could be a good idea in there.

5 Lisa Currin Fogarty { 02.20.10 at 5:54 am }

NC State: Brilliance is the New Rock Star

Rockstar Tour: Students, obviously rockstars. Maybe the “Brickyard Appearance” could be “Set 1.” “Set 2” could be a faculty/researcher event. “Backstage Pass” could be a tour through some of NC State’s most exciting labs (behind the scenes in Textiles, COE, Solar Center, CVM, etc.)

Could create backstage passes for all tour participants with a great NC State key message on it: NC State: The Brilliance Tour – 2010

6 Lisa Currin Fogarty { 02.20.10 at 6:25 am }

NC State Olympics Tour: MindSports

Olympic Torch Relay: could model the tour around the “torch journey” thru diverse communities in a huge country (knowledge-campus). Each stop could be a pass-the-torch event, highlighting the importance of a continued flame (i.e. PASSION.) Because, you know, passion rules.

The Halfpipe: Stop at the brickyard to meet the gravity-defying minds and imaginations of NC State students

Hat Trick: Teach, Publish, Research: It’s a tall order, and our faculty consistently push the boundaries of each. Simultaneously. Here’s a list of NC State’s most highly cited faculty (publications): http://www.ncsu.edu/research/gateway/partners/citations.php

Medal Count: NC State currently holds 670 U.S. patents

Mindsport Pavilions: Lab tours, FREEDM Center, etc.

7 Lisa Currin Fogarty { 02.20.10 at 7:03 am }

This could be over-the-top, but hey, you wrote about Lady GaGa once. 🙂

If we’re looking for a memorable/recognizable/get-people-interested theme to wrap around the beginnings of Chancellor Woodson’s involvement with NC State and the state of NC. . .

Could one of our labs develop a working (safe) set of flames to use for “passing/sharing the torch” at the Chancellor’s highlighted events? At the very least they create great photo ops: Chancellor Woodson and Torchbearer Number 1: Student Body Prez, during the “NC State Mindsports Tour – 2010.”

The flame would represent a new era for NC State, and how NC State will interact with NC under the new leadership of Chancellor Woodson. Each “Torch Lighting” moment would represent how NC State and the other entity (DOC, DOT, Dept. of Agriculture, the Gov’s Office, etc.) believe in the significance of passion, and will direct their organizations to collaborate and share that passion toward the greater good of the whole.

8 Joe Hice { 02.20.10 at 6:03 pm }

All great ideas from Lisa. Definitely sparks the creative fire!

9 David Kochman { 02.22.10 at 6:49 pm }

Dept. of Defense has taken “New Dawn” off the table! http://xrl.in/4lk6

Might be good to keep student-centered focus even for off-campus introductions by including students in initial meetings with legislators, media, alumni, etc.

10 Kirk Ward { 02.23.10 at 11:23 am }

What about a tour of the Carolinas, or something along those lines?

Living in Charlotte, I would really enjoy the opportunity to meet Dr. Woodson but I doubt I can make it to any of the on-campus events he will speak at. It would be nice if Dr. Woodson spoke to alumni groups in some of the major NC cities.

It would be a chance to develop some refreshed good-will with the University and meet the new Chancellor that will be leading us out of the scandal of the past administration, hopefully into a new future for NC State.

11 Marielle Pocan { 02.25.10 at 8:24 am }

Love all of Lisa’s ideas – mine are nowhere nearly as fleshed out.

My thoughts –

I’m sure this has already been mentioned – Chancellor’s blog!

New Chancellor Orientation (Tour) – New students/staff/faculty have to go through special orientations when they join the campus community – why not create a special multi-event orientation just for the Chancellor with the idea that everyone has the opportunity to educate the Chancellor about NC State.

Ahead of each orientation event with a particular unit/college/group, participants would be able to submit (anonymously if they wish):

– What the Chancellor should know about the specific unit/college/group ala best kept secrets. Representatives of the unit/college/group could read these aloud as part of the event

– Questions for the Chancellor which he could answer during the event and/or on his blog

Other theme ideas –

Howl-elujah / Howl-leluia Tour – as in we are so glad you’re here!

Wolfpack Welcome Tour

Scandal-less Tour (sorry – couldn’t resist)

12 Joe Hice { 02.25.10 at 4:21 pm }

A blog is a major time commitment. I can attest to that.

13 Marielle Pocan { 02.26.10 at 9:52 am }

A good blog is definitely a time commitment – but has it been worth it? I think some of the conversations here have been great. You want to stir people up, ignite passion (or at least get people to think about what being passionate really means) – this blog seems to have been a great tool for that. I especially like that it lets me get inside your head somewhat. It helps me better understand what’s important to you and why as you helm NC State Communications – and gives me the opportunity to communicate back and feel like I’m being heard.

14 Joe Hice { 02.26.10 at 12:36 pm }

I love doing the blog, but can’t imagine how I’d do it and run the university if that was my role. That doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be involved in bloging. A Chancellor’s Office blog might make sense. We could invite people from around campus to contribute as well as offering the new chancellor a blog or two. As we get to know him we will figure this one out.

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