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Our brand is North Carolina State University

Good comments from many corners regarding the brand post from earlier this week.  Most agree with the six key messages presented, but not all.  Should there be more international mentions?  What about our teaching mission and service missions?  How about diversity on campus? Whats wrong with our brand being NC State?  Great stuff.

While the discussion is just beginning around Key Messages and a situation statement, we’ve also started looking at a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats exercise.  A university-wide analysis is first, then we’ll move to a functional level analysis.  SWOT of our PR & Marketing efforts, Internal Communications, Publications and Web stuff.  The colleges and units will also be doing — or redoing — the same thing.  All designed to help us get our arms around the situation on campus today and helping us position North Carolina State University for the future.

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1 comment

1 Dee Shore { 12.04.09 at 6:47 am }

IMHO: About NCSU, etc. — It’d be nice to settle on something, perhaps recommendations for first and second reference. But I hope that debate about what we call ourselves doesn’t get in the way of the larger question of getting key messages that resonate with our major audiences.

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