Purdue wants provost finalists by Feb. 1
If you thought our search for Chancellor Woodson was accelerated, check out this story from West Layfatte about Purdue’s search for his replacement.
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In the next three weeks, candidates for the next Purdue University provost will be found.
The breakneck pace of the search committee announced Monday to find a replacement for Provost Randy Woodson is to keep the university on track as it pursues its strategic plans and faces budget issues.
“Is it unusual? Yes, it is,” said Rabindra Mukerjea, Purdue executive director of strategic planning. Mukerjea is providing support for the committee and serves as the first point of contact for prospective nominees. “We need to find someone very quickly because we are in the midst of the strategic plan. I think the internal search is very appropriate. We have a lot of talent on the campus.”
The 12-member committee has been asked to zero in on internal candidates.
Last week, Woodson was named the chancellor at North Carolina State University. He is expected to start that job by May.
The provost, which also holds the title of executive vice president for academic affairs, works with the president on overall leadership and is responsible for recruiting, hiring and reviewing deans and department heads, among other duties.
Finalists for provost will be announced Feb. 1, and public presentations will follow. President France Córdova’s goal is to present the top pick at the Feb.11 board of trustees meeting.
Kristin Shrack, student body vice president and a committee member, said students have been abuzz about Woodson’s leaving.
Even if they didn’t know Woodson, Shrack said many realize the vital role the provost plays.
“From my and the students’ perspective, the biggest thing is that the new provost has to make sure the students’ needs are heard and met,” she said. “Students need administrators who work on their behalf and are working toward the future of Purdue’s goals.”
Richard Cosier, dean of Krannert School of Management, is leading the search committee. He said he expects no problem in qualified candidates being identified.
But he said it will be a tall order.
“Anyone we pick will have a very significant administration mission and be involved in making major decisions with President Córdova,” Cosier said.
Full details on the search committee as well as the search process are available at www.purdue.edu/provost/shtml/provost_search.html
Additional Facts
- Search committee members Here are the members of Purdue University’s provost search committee.
- Richard Cosier, dean of the Krannert School of Management.
- Alyssa Panitch, associate professor of biomedical engineering and University Senate representative.
- Philip Low, Ralph C. Corley Distinguished Professor of Chemistry.
- Mark Lundstrom, Don and Carol Scifres Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
- Ellen Gruenbaum, department head and professor of anthropology.
- Suzanne Nielsen, department head and professor of food science.
- Christine Ladisch, vice provost for academic affairs and professor of consumer sciences and retailing.
- James Almond, senior vice president for business services and assistant treasurer.
- Jackie Butram, administrative assistant, University Development Office, and Administrative and Professional Advisory Committee representative.
- Ebony Kennedy, clerk, Office of the University Architect, and Clerical Service and Staff Advisory Committee representative.
- Richard Severe, graduate student, Department of English, and Graduate Student Government representative.
- Kristin Shrack, undergraduate student, health sciences, and Purdue Student Government representative.
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