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Ram Roast? I thought it was a bar-b-que!

You have to love big rivalries on the college level and today one of the biggest in the nation is on center stage.  Rivalries bring graduates back to campus for the day, stir old memories and create new.  They bring out the passion in fans and you know how much I love Passion.

As a new member of the NC State family, I joined the Wolfpack to celebrate today’s rivalry. Started with the women’s basketball game where the Reynold’s Coliseum was really rocking then walked through the Free Expression Tunnel to the bar-b-que, I mean, Ram Roast.  Pride in NC State was everywhere and people were having a great time. Now this morning I figure some kids have pulled a prank on the student newspaper until I realized the name on the masthead, “Daily Tar Hell,” was a spoof and the stories too.  Good stuff.  Passion Rules on campus today.

Pay attention when you’re walking around today or at the game tonight, because the emotional branding I talk about all the time will on display in all its glory.  It’s this level of connection, this emotional connection, that we have to access if our strategic communications plan and our branding approach is to be successful at NC State.  We’ve got to connect with people on a personal and holistic level if we’re to imprint NC State on their psyche and we’ve got to do it day in and day out.  When the rivalry games occur, we’ve got to seize the moment to drive our message home.  It’s hard work trying to burn your message into someone’s mind.  Its even harder to make sure athletics is only a part of that connection.  An important part, but just a part.  Remember, STUDENT athlete.


The foundation is here.  Our students are passionate about NC State.  Our graduates are passionate about NC State.  The community is passionate about NC State.  Our government leaders and  politicians are passionate about NC State. They want us to succeed because it’s important for North Carolina that we do well. They want us to do good.

With a new chancellor on the way we have an opportunity to seize that moment and the work has already begun. And I’m not just talking about strategic communications planning and university branding.  I’m talking history here.  The work started about 120 years ago.  I’m psyched.  I can feel it.

Passion Rules!

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