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Welcome to North Carolina State University

Well, this is it.  The first day on the job at North Carolina State University.  Overwhelming, intimidating, frustrating . . . NOT.  Everyone has been great.  There seems to be a real excitement on campus about what we’re about to embark upon.

I’m finding the biggest challenge today is getting to know my way around campus and around Raleigh.  Man, this is a big city.  No small town Gainesville here.  I actually had to drive on the Interstate to get to work.  With that, it took less than 20 minutes to get here.  And it is a big campus.

Definitely no shortage of projects in store, places to go, people to see. I’ll close for now, more to come.

One of 100.


1 Dee Shore { 09.21.09 at 7:45 pm }

Welcome to NC State, Joe. Raleigh’s a good city. Glad you are here.

2 Joe Hice { 09.22.09 at 2:06 pm }

Thanks. Another hectic day, but fun stuff.

3 blue velvet gator { 09.25.09 at 5:43 am }

Best wishes at NC State. Looking forward to reading about your first 100 days and more.

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