Circus Dogs attract 1 million video hits!!!!!
I’ve been advocating for circus dogs for the past year and now the internet is all a buzz about circus dogs as well.
1 of Many
Passion (and Circus Dogs) Rule!
Getty Images OK Go‘s latest music video managed to rack up over one million views in just one day.
The band, who are famed for their innovative music videos, released the clip for their latest single ‘White Knuckles’ on Monday (Sept. 20) and it’s already proved to be a massive hit, reports NME.
They say never work with animals on television, but the band have used trained dogs to great effect in the fast paced, one-take video, which has now reached over two million views on YouTube.
Talking to NME, frontman Damian Kulash revealed that it took over a hundred takes to get right. He said, “There were many more starts and stops but we actually have slates for 124 full takes. The video you see is one whole take and what you see is all take 72.”
Speaking of the hits, he added, “It’s mind boggling. I don’t think the brain is wired for comprehending those kind of numbers. Last night it was 100,000 hits and I woke up this morning with it being like over one million.”
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