Web2.0, the Dark Side
Was feeling a bit cranky after a long day of travel yesterday and a long day of presentations today. Got me thinking about a conversation my buddy Ron Sachs and I had a few months back. Ron is an old fashioned newspaper guy. He was the editor of the Florida Alligator student newspaper before it was independent. At the time I was a frosh trying to figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up. Ron helped steer me in the direction I traveled. Ron knew what he was going to be. He was going to be a serious investigative journalist. He did that and now he runs one of the most powerful issues management companies in Florida. He deals with politicians and bureaucrats on a daily basis. He influences major public policy decisions. He helps mold young, and old, minds. And Ron will tell you, even with all this new technology, it’s never easy. To this day, Ron loves newspapers and he loves a good conversation. And he’s worried. Does Web 2.0 signal the end of interpersonal communications.
Based on that conversation and my desire to be truly objective with all this social media stuff (I’ve been accused of being a cheer leader, don’t ya know) I have created a presentation around the concept. I’d like to test it on you all, so check it out and let me know what you think.
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Wow! I am nonplussed.
Excellent presentation (Dark SIde Web 20) that raises some very good points. While I very much enjoy many aspects of social networking, I do wonder if future generations will spend their lives in cubicles (physical or virtual). When I see people sitting in meetings with their face buried in their PDAs or texting wildly, I have to question why they bothered to come.
I look forward to further discussion. Are we advancing the future of communications or becoming a generation of “followers”?
Love your presentation! BTW, here’s an updated Did You Know:
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